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PediaCare Medical is a registered division of AME
P: (800) 409-3962
Place the appropriate cover on the panel (Wrap Around or Flat Neonatal) and position the baby and panel as described below.
The fiber optic panel must NOT be covered by anything except with the cover provided. Any other type of cover could cause a
reduction in light intensity. The setup instructions must be followed exactly.
1. Place the Illuminator
device on a hard, flat
surface or using the
carrying case, hang the
unit on the outside of
a crib or the treatment
area, away from any heat
source. Make sure it is
no more than four feet
from where the baby will
be positioned.
2. Insert the metal end of
the light panel cable,
called the ferrule, with
the metal post facing up,
into the opening on the
Illuminator unit. Push
the ferrule in and rotate
it counter- clockwise to
lock into place. The light
will not come on if the
panel is not inserted in
the Illuminator device.
3. Plug the Illuminator
device into an electrical
outlet. The Therapy On/
Off button will flash
4. Press the Therapy On/
Off button to turn the
Illuminator device on
and begin phototherapy.
The Therapy button will
illuminate green.
5. To turn off the device
when therapy is
complete, press and hold
the Therapy On/Off
button for 3 seconds.
Please Read:
• Ensure there is nothing between the infant’s skin and the light pad other than the disposable cover.
• The infant, along with the light pad, may be covered or wrapped in a blanket as long as the lighted section
of the disposable-covered pad remains in contact with the skin.
• Do not bump or bounce the illuminator during operation. Such a physical shock can cause shattering and
failure of the lamp.
• Never block the air vents of the unit or place it on a soft surface such as a bed, crib, carpeted floor, or
couch where the air vents may be blocked.
• During phototherapy, the baby’s water balance may become disturbed. Before and during phototherapy,
make sure the baby is properly hydrated and that his or her body temperature is maintained.
How to Use Your Biliblanket