Playback Modes (cont)
Mode 2: Past FW<->BW
The FW<->BW or Palindrome Mode introduces reverse playback to the loop. When the
beat repeater is triggered, playback starts from a stored memory point and plays
forward to the end of the time division. Playback then reverses from the end position
back to the start position, and continues to loop back and forth until the trigger is
released. With both a forward and backward aspect to the effect the total loop time is
twice the time division.
Mode 3: Current Mode
Current Mode is the most common form of the beat repeat effect that engages at the
time a trigger event is received. When triggered incoming audio is stored to memory up
to the end of the time division, then loops continuously until the trigger is released. To
repeat the transient of a drum, the effect must be triggered in anticipation of the hit.
Mode 4: Current FW<->BW
Current Palindrome is initiated when a trigger is received. During the first segment of
the time division, the output sounds exactly the same as the incoming signal, on the
second segment of the time division, the audio playback is reversed.
When the loop engine is triggered with a 1/16th note duration (B1) right on or before a
transient, Current FW<->BW Playback simulates a vinyl scratching effect.
v1.0.2 operation manual