Main Display
The 32 Segment Display Unit provides visual feedback of audio signals and processes
occurring in the loop engine. During normal operation, the waveform scrolls from right
to left, indicating that incoming audio is being captured and primed for immediate
looping. When looping is engaged, waveform scrolling stops and the loop position
indicator lamp appears below the waveform segments*. This is the default display
behavior corresponding to Past playback mode.
If Play Mode is set to Current or Current BW<->FW, The display will start scrolling from
left to right, indicating that incoming audio is still being captured as the loop process is
The Visual Display. Waveform segments appears in the upper blocks, and loop position is
indicated on the moving lamp below.
Beat Repeat Triggers
Buffre is designed to operate with a MIDI Keyboard, and this requires an associated
sequencer track assigned to the device. Adding it to the INSERT FX path of a Mix
Channel or Audio Track will not automatically add a track, and you will need to manually
create a corresponding sequencer lane using the “Create Sequencer Track” Edit menu
MIDI Keyboard Trigger
Pressing a key in the range of D1 to F3 engages the beat repeat effect. Each note
corresponds to a different loop length which is tied to the song document tempo
settings. Pressing D1 initiates a loop with a half note duration, and the loops become
progressively shorter as you play up the keyboard. The key arrangement leads with an
even time division, then a dotted time division, then a triplet time division, and then
returns to an even division. For example, pressing F1 triggers a quarter note loop which
is four 16th steps. F#1 triggers a Dotted Eighth Note loop (three 16th steps); and
pressing G1 triggers a Quarter Note Triplet loop (2/8T steps). The next key, G#1 returns
to an even division of an Eight Note (two 16th steps).
Every three keys, or three half steps, the repeat duration is halved. For example, Note
F1 is a 1/4 note division, move up the scale three keys to Note G#1, the division is an
1/8th note; move another three keys to Note B1, the division is a 1/16th note.
*At high tempo loop cycles the display may not respond as expected due to graphics aliasing.
v1.0.2 operation manual