D_FB-D_1FB 5715-669 UK.indd CM
Prop. Directional Control Valve
Series D*FB / D*1FB
Operation Manual
Parker Hannifin GmbH
Hydraulic Controls Division
• Parameter changes are possible via mouse or
the arrow buttons on the bottom left within the
program screen, also the parameter values may
be edited via the keyboard.
Modified parameters will be stored via the “Enter”
key or via the button “Update list”.
• After completing of all modifications, the entire
parameter set may be transmitted to the valve
via the button “send all”, also the parameters
will be nonvolatile stored.
The chosen parameters may be optionally stored
on the PC via the “File”-menu with the menu item
“Save as”, data retrieving is always possible via
the function “Load out of database”
Extended functions:
The user software is shared into 2 parameter
• basic
• expert
For normal startup the basic mode is absolutely
sufficient. It permits the setting of all
specific parameters to match the valve function
with the task setting.
In case of special applications the valve parameters
may be adapted via the expert mode.
The operating mode may be selected from the
“Options”- menu and remains after terminating and
re-start of the program.
Changing of expert parameters is only permit-
ted for qualified personnel. Incorrect settings
may lead to malfunction! In case of parameter
changes shut the drive down!
To prevent an unauthorized access for the expert
mode, a pass word is requested. The name is
“parker” and cannot be changed. Thus additionally
to the button “Default” for loading of the default
parameters, the button “Send parameter” appears
in the “Expert”-operating mode. This button trans-
mits only the setting of one single parameter to
the connected valve. Thus a quick tuning of single
parameters is permitted during the setup.
A horizontal bar graph readout between
the communication buttons shows the data
transfer state.
Because the ProPxD program has also offline
(i.e. without connection to the valve) function-
ality, a manual pre-selection of the parameters
is possible. After selection of the valve type
via the menu “Options” the parameters may
be set and stored for later transmission.
Note the design series while selection of the
The “File” menu provides the functions “Printer
setup”, “Print preview” and “Print”. The print preview
includes the option for parameter set storage as
text file (format .txt) prior to further processing. The
“Options” menu provides also the selection of the
RS-232 interface port via the menu item “Port”. Via
the menu item “Load out of database” previously
stored parameter sets may be loaded.
Adjustment parameters
The available parameters may be divided into
multiple groups and are characterized by different