MSG11-5715-743/EN: AC20F Series - Hardware Installation Manual
MSG11-5715-743/EN 24.04.2023
45 (148)
If an Option Card needs to be removed, unscrew the two fixings and insert a screwdriver into the notches
on the sides of the PCB to carefully lever the PCB out of the control module housing.
Frames 6
– 10:
On Frames 6
– 10, the lower terminal cover will need to be removed prior to option card installation.
1. Remove the option card from its
2. Use the alignment rib in the control
module housing and the option card
fixing positions to correctly align the
option card connector onto the
control board header.
When aligned, push the Option Card
3. Screw 1x 130-502020 (M3x8 fixing)
into the bottom mounting pillar.
4. Screw 1x 130-502040 (3x7 self-tap
fixing) into the top moulding pillar.
Fixing Holes
Support Pillars