Projection distance formulas
To use a screen size not listed in this manual, check the screen size SD (m) and use the respective formula to calculate
projection distance.
The unit of all the formulae is m. (Values obtained by the following calculation formulae contain a slight error.)
If you want to calculate the projection distance with projected image size SD (unit: inch) by substituting, please assign 0.0254
times to the SD value.
For PT-LW362
4:3 aspect ratio
16:9 aspect ratio
16:10 aspect ratio
Screen height (SH)
= 0.6 × SD
= 0.490 × SD
= 0.530 × SD
Screen width (SW)
= 0.8 × SD
= 0.872 × SD
= 0.848 × SD
Minimum distance (LW)
= 1.4369 × SD - 0.025
= 1.3045 × SD - 0.025
= 1.2692 × SD - 0.025
Maximum distance (LT)
= 1.7263 × SD - 0.025
= 1.5673 × SD - 0.025
= 1.5249 × SD - 0.025
For PT-LW312
4:3 aspect ratio
16:9 aspect ratio
16:10 aspect ratio
Screen height (SH)
= 0.6 × SD
= 0.490 × SD
= 0.530 × SD
Screen width (SW)
= 0.8 × SD
= 0.872 × SD
= 0.848 × SD
Minimum distance (LW)
= 1.4332 × SD - 0.02327
= 1.3008 × SD - 0.02327
= 1.2660 × SD - 0.02327
Maximum distance (LT)
= 1.7202 × SD - 0.02367
= 1.5615 × SD - 0.02367
= 1.5195 × SD - 0.02367
For PT-LB412, PT-LB382 and PT-LB332
4:3 aspect ratio
16:9 aspect ratio
Screen height (SH)
= 0.6 × SD
= 0.490 × SD
Screen width (SW)
= 0.8 × SD
= 0.872 × SD
Minimum distance (LW)
= 1.1974 × SD - 0.025
= 1.3045 × SD - 0.025
Maximum distance (LT)
= 1.4386 × SD - 0.025
= 1.5673 × SD - 0.025
Chapter 2 Getting Started - Setting up