SLT and ISDN Telephone Features
SLT and ISDN Telephone Features
Trunk (CO Line) Answer From Any Station (TAFAS)
Allows you to answer an incoming outside call, paged through an external pager, from
any extension.
While hearing a tone from the external pager;
1. Lift the handset.
2. Dial the feature number (42).
3. Dial the external pager number as follows.
1 or 2
: if you are connected to the KX-TD816
- 1 through 4 : if you are connected to the KX-TD1232
• You hear a confirmation tone (optional).
• The line is connected and you can start talking.
• This feature can be used in the following cases:
a) The floating number* of an external pager is assigned as the DIL 1:1 destination.
In this case, all the incoming calls on the specified line are signalled.
b) The floating number* of an external pager is dialled as the Direct Dialling In
(DDI) destination.
c) The floating number* of an external pager is assigned as the Intercept Routing
destination. In this case, incoming calls redirected to the destination are signalled.
• A confirmation tone is audible before being connected to the caller. Eliminating the
tone is programmable.
Programming References
• System Programming — Installation Manual
[407]–[408] DIL 1:1 Extension — Day/Night
[409]–[410] Intercept Extension — Day/Night
[813] Floating Number Assignment
[990] System Additional Information, Field (16)
Feature References
Floating Station (
see Installation Manual)
* Floating Number (FN) is a virtual extension number for resources to make it appear to be an extension.
Refer to the Installation Manual.
external pager number