the operating system has loaded, move the mouse
pointer to the “task bar”. This is normally hidden
but will appear when the mouse is moved to the
very edge of the screen (the default setting is the
bottom edge). If the task bar does not appear, press
the “Ctrl” and “Esc” buttons on the keyboard
together to show the start menu which will also
make the task bar appear. When the “task bar” is
displayed, click on the “Start” button on the task
bar, and when a menu list appears, click on the
“Help” button (see Figure 1.1).
The “Help Topics” window will then be displayed,
and it is then a simple matter of following the
on-screen instructions. If you want to search for a
particular word in the help screens, click on the
“Find” button. Follow the instructions on the
screen to create a word database and then search
for the required word.
Help screens are also available within individual
applications software packages. The help menu is
normally accessible by pressing the “F1” function
key on the keyboard, or by calling it up from the
menu toolbar using the mouse.
Issue A May 1998
Chapter 1 Page 2
Synergy Mobile Workshop Manual
Figure 1-1 Selecting “Help”