This chapter lists the hardware and software
options available for the Synergy Mobile .
Following on from there, is a listing of the
sub-assemblies within the Synergy Mobile that
can be ordered as replacement/spares. All lists
contain the
Oxford Instruments
part numbers for
these items that can be ordered from
or your local distributor.
10.1 Hardware, Software, Spares and
10.1.1 Amplifiers and DSP boards
2 Channel Headbox ....................................031C001
5 Channel Headbox ....................................031C002
10 Channel Headbox ..................................031C003
DSP daugther Board (One is required
for each of the DSP boards below ) ........031E012
2 Channel DSP Board (1 DSP chip)..............CP103
5 Channel DSP Board (2 DSP chips) ............CP104
10 Channel DSP Board (3 DSP chips) ..........CP105
10.1.2 Stimulators
Electrical Stimulator Probe Kit includes,
Probe Assembly, probe head, Plain shafts,
shafts for felt pads and felt pads ...............031K025
Electrical Stimulator Probe Spares
Probe head with Plain shafts......................031D035
Shafts for Adult felt pads.......................... 031Y119
10 felt pads (Large).........................................53081
Evoked Potential Stimulator Kit
with Headphones .......................................031K027
10.1.3 Hardware
32MB SIMM memory 2
16MByte RAM .IC1091
(HP approved matched pairs)
32MB SIMM memory 1
32MByte RAM .IC1092
Pentium 200MHz MMX Processor ..............IC1083
Pentium 233MHz MMX Processor ..............IC1084
Control panel / Internal EMG Stimulator .034C001
Connector box ...........................................034C002
PC I/O Board, Support tray (D drive) Assembly,
Tray cover, cover and 7 cables ..................034D016
The above assembly contains the all following
parts, which can be ordered separately:-
I/O Board ....................................................034E003
Metal Support tray Assembly for I/O Brd.034Y007
Support tray cover.....................................034Y008
Cable DD Bay to EP Stim Brd.................034D013
Cable DD Bay to Con Box EP H-phones 034D007
Cable DD Bay to DC PSU 12W................034D006
Cable DD Bay to Con Box 50W ...............034D005
Cable I/O Brd +-24V to EP Stim Brd .......034D008
Cable I/O Brd Power to DSP Sub Brd ......034D009
Cable I/O Brd to DSP Sub Brd & EP Brd 034D010
Isolated Transformer PSU Assembly.........034D014
Temperature Probe (Reusable) ..................031S017
Temperature Probe (Disposable) ..............031X115
Extension/ Adaptor Lead for Disposable
Temperature Probes 900X115
(Lead is Reusable) ....................................031S018
Microphone adaptor (for item above) ..........PS1279
Laser Printer ...................................................CP110
Printer cable (screened) ................................PS1285
External Modem .............................................CP132
Triple Footswitch............................................ST503
Single Footswitch ...........................................ST502
CNV Response unit ....................................031C006
Matrox Millennium Graphics (optional)........CP176
Network card 3 COM (optional)....................CP150
10.1.4 Synergy Mobile Software Packages
Some of these packages may not be available at
the present time
Synergy Mobile Software (standard)..........031P000
Standard NCV .............................................031P001
Test Configuration Wizard .........................031P002
Neuromuscular Studies ...............................031P003
Autonomic Studies......................................031P004
Standard Needle EMG ................................031P005
Issue A May 1998
Synergy Mobile Workshop Manual
Chapter 10 Page 1