6.15 Parallel & Serial Port Checks
6.15.1 Parallel Port
To perform these checks, the Windows 95 printer
driver for the printer being used must have been
previously installed.
Connect the printer to the parallel port connector
marked “
” on the rear of the PC Tower. Ensure
it is loaded with paper and switch it on. From the
Task Bar click on Start, select Programs, then
select Accessories, then click on WordPad.
When WordPad has loaded, click on File, then
Open. Select and load a document or text file
*.doc or *.txt. When the file has loaded, click on
the Printer icon and the document will be printed.
Check that the printer prints the document and that
what is printed is correct.
Exit the WordPad application.
6.15.2 Serial COM Ports
Make a “loop back” connector by shorting together
pins 2 and 3 of a 9-way D type socket. Insert this
connector, into the COM 1 port on the rear of the
PC Tower.
Start the Hyper Terminal application, (Start /
Programs / Accessories / Hyper Terminal).
Double click on the Hypertrm.exe icon.
When asked to enter a Name for the Connection
Description, type Test then click on OK.
In the Phone Number window, set Connect using
to Direct to Com1, click on Ok.
In the COM1 Properties window set :-
Bits per second
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
Click on OK.
Type any characters on the keyboard, and check
that the characters typed appear in the Hyper
Terminal window.
Transfer the “loopback” connector to the COM2
Type any characters on the keyboard, and check
that the characters typed do not appear in the
Hyper Terminal window.
On the main menu select File then Properties. Set
Connect Using to Direct to Com2, click on OK.
Type on the keyboard and check that the characters
typed appear in the Hyper Terminal window.
Remove the ‘loopback’ connector, and type on the
Check that the characters typed no longer appear in
the Hyper Terminal window.
Exit Hyper Terminal. When asked if you want to
disconnect, click on OK. When asked if you want
to save the session, click on NO.
6.16 Networking Checks
The checks described in this section can only be
performed if connection to an active network is
available, or another PC with a network card is
available e.g. another Synergy Mobile unit.
Connect the Synergy Mobile to the network as
follows, according to the system type.
10baseT System
If a network lead is available, connect it to the
socket on the network card (
) on the rear of
the PC Tower.
If a network lead is not available, either
disconnect a system already attached to the
network and replace it with the Synergy
Mobile , or obtain a lead from the network
administrator and connect it between the
Synergy Mobile and a suitable network point
If connecting to another Synergy Mobile
system, both units must be connected via a
network hub.
It will not work just connecting two Synergy
Mobile units together.
Thin Ethernet System
If an in-line cable connection is already
available i.e. a co-axial cable with BNC
connectors attached to a “T” piece, connect
the “T” piece to the socket on the network
card (
) on the rear of the PC Tower.
If an in-line connection is not available, either
disconnect another system attached to the
network and replace it with the Synergy
Mobile , or insert an extra length of cable
between two systems on the network with a
“T” piece in-between and attach the “T” piece
to the Synergy Mobile .
When using the thin ethernet system, it is
essential for the network card to see two
impedances on its connector. This is
made up of two 50
cables attached via a
“T” piece, or if it is on the end of a line, it
is made up of one 50
cable and a 50
terminator attached via a “T” piece.
Issue A May 1998
Chapter 6 Page 6
Synergy Mobile Workshop Manual