OWC Jupiter Mini-SAS
5.1 FAQ
What is sas and mini-sas?
'sas' stands for 'serial attached sCsI'. It is a serial interface that is used to transfer data to and from computer
storage devices. It is backwards-compatible with the saTa interface, but contains more features and is typically used in
enterprise applications such as san systems.
Mini-sas is a type of sas cable connection that allows the transfer of information between sas devices. each mini-sas
connection contains four sas channels.
What is Das and san?
'Das' stands for 'Direct attached storage'. It describes a simple storage configuration in which the storage device is
connected directly to the host computer, usually by a single connecting cable. This allows a single user to connect to a
single storage device at one time.
'san' stands for 'storage area network'. a san is a network that provides multiple computers access to a shared pool of
storage devices. san has many benefits over simple Das setups, including scalability, speed, capacity, and redundancy.
Can I purchase additional drive trays and drives for my Jupiter units?
Yes, visit
for more information on getting the correct drives and drive trays for your model
of Jupiter.
What mini-sas cards are compatible/recommended for use with Jupiter? Can I use my existing 3rd party mini-sas
controller cards?
Yes, see compatibility list at
for a list of 3rd party card support and any limitations the 3rd
party card may have with Jupiter.
Why can't I use the Jupiter Command Center application to manage my Jupiter system when I use a 3rd party card?
Jupiter Command Center was built to specifically manage all the components of Jupiter. 3rd party equipment will
have varying degrees of support by the Jupiter Command Center application. Please see the compatibility list available
for more information.
How do I update Jupiter's firmware?
firmware updates can be done via the Jupiter Command Center application. Information on updating can be found
in the Jupiter Command Center manual. To download the latest version of the application and manual, visit
Does Jupiter expander Rack 835 always need to be direct attached to my computer or server?
no, you can use one of the Jupiter switches to allow for simultaneous host access to a storage unit. Depending on
how this is set up, san software such as apple's xsan or Tiger Technology's metasan may be required.
Can I connect multiple host systems or servers to the same Jupiter storage system?
Yes. Using one or more Jupiter switch, you can connect multiple Jupiter storage devices to multiple computers. You
can use the Jupiter Command Center software to allocate storage pools to individual computers, or you can create a
san with the integration of additional third-party software such as apple's xsan or Tiger Technology's metasan.