2) Warnings and Precautions
The Probe emits an alternating magnetic fi eld that potentially could interfere with cardiac
• Do not use the device in the presence of explosive or fl ammable materials.
• To avoid interference with other equipment, the probe should not be held
close to electronic devices.
• Use only the power supply provided with the instrument.
• SmartPegs™ are for single use only.
• The Osstell IDx Probe and the SmartPeg Mount must be sterilized before use.
3) Indications for use
Osstell IDx is indicated for use in measuring the stability of implants in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
Intended user profi le: clinical professionals. No special experience/training is needed.
4) Description
The Osstell IDx has a built-in patient database and enables the user to connect measurements to implant
position and patient through the touch screen. The Osstell IDx involves the use of the noninvasive technique,
Resonance Frequency Analysis for measuring implant stability in the oral cavity and the maxillofacial region.
The Osstell IDx system includes the use of a SmartPeg which is attached to an implant or abutment using the
SmartPeg Mount. The SmartPeg is activated by magnetic pulses from the probe, which is connected to the in-
strument. The resonance frequency, which is the measure of implant stability, is calculated from the response
signal. Results are presented on the instrument display as an ISQ value (Implant Stability Quotient), which is
scaled from 1 to 100. The higher the number, the greater the stability. The fi rst measurement is taken at implant
installation to get a baseline for future measurements. Before the fi nal restoration, a second measurement
is taken which makes it possible to observe the stability of the implant. With the graphical view, the implant
stability development can be monitored. The soft ware (fi rmware) can be updated online thanks to internet
connectivity. Osstell IDx can add important information to the evaluation of implant stability and can be used
as part of an overall treatment evaluation program. The fi nal implant treatment decisions are the responsibility
of the clinician.
The SmartPeg is available with diff erent connection geometries to fi t all major implant products on the market.
you can fi nd all available SmartPegs.
Your Osstell IDx system includes the following items:
Osstell IDx Instrument
Osstell ISQ Probe
Osstell SmartPeg Mount
Osstell TestPeg
Osstell Charger
Osstell Plug Adapter
Osstell IDx manual
Applied Parts:
Osstell ISQ probe