Oil Type & Capacity
This torque hub unit is shipped with ISO 68 viscosity oil
(hydraulic fluid). It is designed to utilize the same oil through
out its service life. However, should it need to be serviced the
oil will need to be drained and replaced.
In the event of servicing, fill the unit with ISO grade 68 oil or oil
of a similar viscosity
(80W gear oil or 20W engine oil)
The gearbox will need to be filled with 10 oz. of oil.
Oil Filling Instructions
10 oz. of gearbox oil will fill the gearbox cavity approximately
half full. To check the oil level, rotate the wheel so that the
cover plugs are at 12 o-clock and 3 o-clock. Allow the oil to set
tle. Slowly loosen the 3 o-clock plug. If oil begins to come out
then the oil level is sufficient. If no oil is noticed at the 3 o-
clock plug location, then remove both plugs. Slowly add oil at
the 12 o-clock plug location until oil begins to seep out of the
3-clock plug location. Reinstall and tighten plugs to 6-8 ft-lbs.
Drive Motor Brush Wear - Warning Indication
The machines drive motors include brush wear sensors that
activate a warning indicating the drive motor brushes will
require replacement soon. This warning protects the drive
motors from damage due to extreme brush wear.
When the brush wear warning is activated the Ground Control
Station LCD screen will indicate a fault code of 6, also the hour-
meter is set to countdown 25 hours of (DRIVE) operation
The Platform Control LEDs will indicate this warning with 8
flashing LEDs and an intermittent beep.
Only the drive function when used will affect the hour meter
count down once the warning has been activated. The
machine will operate normally until the last 10 seconds of the
25 hour countdown.
During the last 10 seconds of the 25 hour (DRIVE) countdown
the machine will only drive in creep/turtle drive mode and
platform lift up will be disabled. At this point cycling power
on/off will only repeat the final 10 second mode cycle.
The machine will not operate normally until the drive motor
brushes are replaced
(repositioning the brush warning sensors),
and the Ground Control Station is programmed to reset the
Brush Wear - Warning Timer - see Section 4.6, Ground Control
Station - Programming of this manual.