Step 33:
At this time we will save our data again by clicking on the “Save”
icon . Next we will send the data to the Janome robot . To do so,
click on “Robot” in the menu bar, and then click on “Send C&T
Data .”
Step 34:
On the popup window, click the “Send” button .
The program will show a progress bar . Once
complete, click “OK” on the new popup window .
Step 35:
To move the weld head to one of the programmed weld points,
click on the point, and then click the “Go Move” icon . The robot
will move to that location, but will not yet send a signal to Orion
i2 CNC EV to weld .
Step 36:
Next click on “Robot,” then drop down and click on “External
I/O .” This new screen displays the status of the weld ready
signal, the good weld signal, and give access to manually
trigger a weld .