Kiosk Manager’s Guide: 20 Series
Pg. 5
Step 1: Remove the outer
Without cutting through the
cardboard, cut the plastic
from the bottom up and
Step 2: Remove the staples
Use your flathead screwdriver or pry bar to unfasten the staples that secure the box to
the pallet.
Now you can lift the box
off the kiosk . Don’t try this
alone! For safety and to
avoid damage to your
kiosk, get some help.
Step 3: Remove the inner wrapping
Carefully remove the clear wrap from the kiosk itself.
Tips to protect the finish
Cut along the seams, such as along the kiosk door.
Anywhere else on the kiosk, carefully cut a slit in the
shrink wrap and insert a piece of cardboard (cut from
the shipping box) in between the wrap and the kiosk
box as shown. Move the cardboard so it protects each
area where you’re cutting.