Kiosk Manager’s Guide: 20 Series
Pg. 33
Troubleshooting with Tech Support
You will be asked to remove the
camera’s USB cable from the PC
and reseat it to ensure it is being
recognized by Windows
If the issue is power-related, you
will be asked to remove the power
connection from the board, make
sure all the pins are straight, and
then plug it back in
If necessary, Tech Support will send
replacement parts and walk you through
installation with a No. 2 Phillips head
screwdriver, snips, and replacement zip ties
You may need a 3/8” nut driver (to remove the mount from the kiosk
You may need a small adjustable crescent wrench if the wing nuts
securing on the camera are too tight to remove by hand
Credit card reader
The credit card reader sits at an angle above the bill acceptor in the kiosk door
and runs off a single USB cable that plugs directly into the PC
Troubleshooting with Tech Support
We will ask if the screen of
the card reader is displaying
an error message
We will ask you to make sure
the USB cable is snuggly
plugged into the reader and
In some cases, we will send
out a “card” to run through
the swiper to clean the part
that reads the magnetic strip
on cards