Restrictions in use
1) An intermediate attachment with a thickness of up to 60 mm can be mounted between the microscope frame and
binocular observation tube (U-BI90).
2) When the U-AW or U-FSHU is used with the transmitted light illumination setup, periphery of the field of view will
be obscured with the 4X objective. When U-LHEAD is combined with U-AW or U-FSHU, or if U-FSHU is attached to
IX3-ILL directly, the insufficient peripheral light will be mitigated.
3) Image acquisition by the digital camera is not recommended in the combination of U-TV0.35XC and IX3-CAS (2X)
because of an incidence of the spot flare.
4) When the motorized attenuator wheel / fast filter / shutter system (U-AW,U-FFW,U-FSHU) are attached to the re-
flected fluorescence illuminator (IX3-RFA, IX3-RFAL, IX3-RFALFE) for the fluorescent observation, the peripheral light
becomes insufficient due to obscuring the illumination light.
5) If IX3-RFAL or IX3-RFALFE is mounted such that the lamp house is positioned on the left side facing to the micro-
scope and also the operation part of U-DULHA faces upward, the lamp house to be attached to U-DULHA may
interfere by hitting the camera attached to the left side port.
6) When the U-DPCAD is attached on the left side port, some camera may not be mounted on the back side camera
port depending on its size.
7) When you use IX3-LHLEDC for phase contrast observation / simple polarized light observation / dark field observa-
tion / observation with high magnification, if the illumination light is not sufficient, use the halogen lamp housing.
8) If you use IX3-LHLEDC for observation with the 4X objective, uneven illumination becomes slightly larger comparing
to the halogen lamp.
9) If all conditions described below are met, the flares may be noticeable combining IX-ATU + U-TR30 series or U-
· IX73P1F
· High contrast specimens are being observed.
· Transmitted bright field observation is being used.
· The aperture iris diaphragm is being narrowed down closer to the minimum.
10) If you use 1.6X or 2X of IX3-CAS for the simple polarized light observation using IX3-AN, the contrast may be difficult
to view in some cases.
11) If you use IX73P2F for phase contrast observation or relief contrast observation with IX3-AN engaged in the light
path, a thin shading may occur in the periphery of the field of view. Remove IX3-AN from the light path before ob-
Decks of IX73
The IX73P2F is equipped with two decks, 1st deck (upper deck) and 2nd deck (lower deck), accepting optional acces-
sories such as the intermediate magnification changer, mirror unit cassette, etc. Refer to the following table at the time of
installation of each accessory, since some accessories can be attached on either 1st deck or 2nd deck only.
1st deck(upper deck) 2nd deck(lower deck)
Motorized fluorescent mirror turret : IX3-RFACA
Coded fluorescent mirror turret : IX3-RFACS
Right side port with C-mount : IX3-RSPC
Coded intermediate magnification changer : IX3-CAS
Detail of decks, see page 54.
Conformity of the System