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Section 6 Specifications
Operating Environment
Hardware ............................................. IBM PC-AT compatible computer
Interface .............................................. 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX
Operating system ................................ Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, Advanced Server),
Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista
Network FAX Transmission
Transmission Resolution ..................... Normal (200 dpi x 100 dpi equivalent)
Fine (200 dpi x 200 dpi equivalent)
Ultra fine (400 dpi x 400 dpi equivalent)
Document Size .................................... Standard paper sizes only (Maximum 11" x 17" [A3])
Automatic Redialing ............................ Controlled at the fax machine
Delayed TX ......................................... Based on settings in the Network FAX Driver (setting is possible to any 1 minute
increment within the subsequent 24 hour period)
Concurrent print .................................. Fax transmission and concurrent print-out at the fax machine is available
Transmitted Faxes .............................. Fax data files delivered to designated computer (where Scanner File Utility is installed)
in designated format (PDF or Multi-page TIFF)
Broadcast Transmission ...................... Up to 80 destinations
Rotation Transmission ........................ Available
Restricted Access ............................... Based on entry of access code in the Network FAX Driver. Viable access code
registration and Restricted Access management performed at the machine.
Cover Page ......................................... Format settings available in the Network FAX Driver
Maximum No. of Fax Pages ................ Up to 1000 pages
* The maximum amounts noted above may not be attainable depending upon certain
fax conditions.
Network FAX Reception
Received Faxes .................................. Fax data files delivered to designated computer (where Scanner File Utility is installed)
in designated format (PDF or Multi-page TIFF)
Reception Notice ................................. Notice of fax reception by e-mail (to a maximum of 10 e-mail addresses) or directly
to computers on the network (to a maximum of 10 computer addresses)
Long Fax Pages .................................. Long pages are not separated for delivery. Pages which exceed 17" [431 mm] can
only be saved as TIFF files.
Address Book ...................................... Individual and group destination registration available (up to 3000 destinations)
Imported file format: CSV , FDT (proprietary format) or FED (proprietary format)
Exported file format: FDT (proprietary format)
Address Editor for FAX ........................ Self-station information and dialing information registration available
Imported file format: CSV , FDT (proprietary format) or FED (proprietary format)
Network FAX Transmission Report ..... Can be delivered as an e-mail attachment to a designated address (includes
transmission under Restricted Access)