How to connect H201-T-UNIT-BL to a BOLD LINE Digital Gas Controller
H201-T-UNIT-BL can be used as a stand-alone device or in combination with any one of the Bold Line Gas
Controllers. Figure 8 shows how to assemble H201-T UNIT-BL, for example, with a CO2-O2 Unit BL [0-10; 1-18].
a. CO2-O2 UNIT-BL [0-10; 1-18] and
H201-T-UNIT-BL. Units rear panels.
b. CO2-O2 UNIT-BL [0-10; 1-18] and
H201-T-UNIT-BL. 3D view.
Figure 8. CO2-O2 UNIT-BL [0-10; 1-18] and H201-T-UNIT-BL
The Gas Controller must stack on top of the Temperature Control Unit by lining up the bus ports located
on the top and bottom surface of each. When the units are properly connected the Temperature, CO2 and O2
parameters will appear on the Touch Screen interface Home page. If not all the parameters appear on OKO-TOUCH
Home Page then the Control Units are not properly connected. Please check that the bus ports are properly aligned
with each other.
If you have the CO2 Controller and a Temperature Control Unit, it is essential to read both
this manual and the Temperature Control Unit Manual to familiarize yourself with the
functions and the operation of the devices before use.