Control mode
Control mode
Control mode
Manual mechanical
Automatic mode is normally used in regulating domestic hot water. Here
you can switch from automatic to manual mode and move the vent into the
desired position. You can use manual mode for example when a sensor mal-
S203 maintains the temperature of domestic hot water at the setting value
set by the user.
The desired position of the valve is set with the setting value ”Actuator
Manual position.”
DHW Domestic hot water control
Setting values
Control mode Manual
Actuator manual position 20 %
Manual mechanical
Manual mechanical control option must be taken into use. (Connections and
configuration -> DHW Actuator control -> Manual mech. control ”Available”).
If you want the voltage controlled actuators to be controlled by manual me-
chanical control, DHW actuator power supply must come from strip connec-
tor 58. The controller switches off the power supply, when the control mode
is set manual mechanical control.
The valve position is set in the actuator when using mechanical manual
Trend display
Trend display
Supply water temperaure
Circulation water temp.
Actuator control
You can read the real-time trends of the temperatures of supply water and
circulation water. Also the real-time trend of actuator control in domestic
hot water circuit can be read. The sampling interval is 1 s.