Hold down the left-
mouse button and
drag the mouse
cursor to the right
bottom corner of
the designated area.
Releasing the left-
mouse button
confirms the set
designated area
encompassed by
the rectangle
You should see a rectangular box enclosing your designated area. The box should be
blinking. It indicates that motion detection is on alert. You can specify one designated area
for motion detection per image window.
If you want Motion Detection to apply on the whole image window, you need not go
through the process of drawing a rectangular box with Motion Detection Setup. It is by
default that Motion Detection is applied to the whole image window if there is no
designated area specified.
You can use the Alarm Time Limit, Alarm Call On, and Alarm PreRecord features
with this selection.
To stop Continuous Motion Detection, go through the steps above and deselect what you
have set.