Charge Limit
shows the maximum charge current limit value. The
Discharge Limit
shows the
maximum discharge current limit value.
Charge Limit
Discharge Limit
values are visualized on the Stack Current radial gauge as the
limits of the blue arc. Last Update
time and date shows the last time the Operator Interface had successfully communicated
with Nuvation Energy BMS and updated all items in the Dashboard with values from Nuvation Energy
BMS. The time and date is based on the local computer/tablet; it does not come from Nuvation
Energy BMS.
If the communication with a Nuvation Energy BMS is lost, a notification banner appears at the top of
the display screen. The information shown on the Dashboard represents the last data received and is
no longer recent. Refer to
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.2, 2021-03-03
Curie Update 1