4.4. Cell Interface Electrical Connections
The Cell Interface connects to the battery stack-referenced signals through high-
voltage rated connectors. Safety precautions are required to handle and connect
cables into this module.
4.4.1. Getting Started
To complete the installation of the Cell Interface, the following is required per Cell Interface module:
1. 1x Battery Cells cable
2. 1x Thermistor cable
3. 1x Link Bus cable
These cables are available for purchase as a kit.
Figure 23. Example Cell Interface kit (NUV100-CI-16-KIT-2)
The instructions below are for applications using cable harnesses purchased from Nuvation Energy. To
build custom cables, refer to
for connector pin-out and specifications.
Connection sequence
for temperature measurement of the cells
to battery voltage sense leads
The wiring of the battery cell voltage and temperature sensing should be verified
connecting to the Cell Interface modules. The temperature sensing must be
isolated from the cell voltage sensing. Although the Cell Interface includes protective
circuitry to make it more resilient to brief wiring errors, the same circuitry can result
in the battery cells being slowly discharged. Over time, these wiring errors can cause
damage to the Cell Interface and/or the cells.
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.2, 2021-03-03
Curie Update 1