SymphoniePLUS3 User Guide
Rev. 17
[email protected] | Page 96
31 December 2018
Closing the Data Viewer
Select File>Close from the Interpreted Data Window to close the Data Viewer. The SDR Main menu will
appear once the Data Viewer has been closed.
Batch Processing data files (Converting a group of raw data files to .txt files and
importing into the database)
If you wish to convert many raw data files into scaled ASCII data files and/or import many raw files into
the database together in a single process, you may do so using the batch processing feature. Select
File>Batch Process. SDR allows you to choose if the scaling information will come from the site file and if
this data will also be imported into the database with or without generating corresponding daily .txt
files. SDR also allows import using the settings from each raw file – in this case the data cannot be
imported into the site database. If selected, text files will be written to your scaled data folder. If a file
cannot be processed, filename.log will be written in the scaled data folder.