2 – For the three-phase motor, exchange 2 of the 3 motor
connections. For the single-phase motor, exchange the
“OPEN” and “CLOSE” motor connections.
Once this has been done, check if the direction of rotation is now
correct by repeating the procedure described in point “G”.
H) Perform a complete movement of the actuator; we
recommend to always work in the manual mode with all
functions deactivated. Use the command inputs to move the
gate until it reaches the open point; if everything works
normally, continue with the closing manoeuvre and move the
gate until it reaches the stop point.
Carry out several open and close manoeuvres in order to
evaluate any defects in the mechanical structure of the
automation system and pinpoint any specific points of friction.
Test the PHOTOCELL safety devices triggering; they have no
effect in the opening manoeuvre but they will stop movement
during the closing manoeuvre. If the PIU card is plugged in,
test the PHOTOCELL 2 input: it has no effect in the closing
manoeuvre but it will stop movement during the opening
manoeuvre. The devices connected to the STOP input work
during both the opening and closing manoeuvres and stop
movement in each case.
The control unit can be adjusted in 3 ways by means of adjustment
trimmers to act on the following parameters:
Working time (TL):
Adjusts the maximum duration of the opening or closing manoeuvre.
Pause time (TP):
In the “automatic” mode, this adjusts the delay between the end of
the opening manoeuvre and the beginning of the closing manoeuvre.
Force (F):
Adjusts the trigger threshold of the overload protection.
To adjust the working time TL, select the “Semiautomatic” operating
mode by moving dip-switch N°1 to ON and adjust the TL trimmer to
halfway along the travel distance. Then run a complete opening cycle
followed by a complete closing cycle and readjust the TL trimmer in
order to leave enough time for the whole manoeuvre plus a margin of
about 2 to 3 seconds.
If the trimmer is at maximum and there still is not enough time, cut
the TLM jumper on the printed circuit between the TL and the TP
trimmers in order to provide more working time.
To adjust the pause time TP, select the “Automatic” operating mode
by moving dip-switch N°2 to ON and adjust the TP trimmer as
required. Then carry out an opening manoeuvre and check the time
taken for the gate to close automatically.
Take great care when adjusting the FORCE (F) trimmer as this may
affect the level of safety of the automatic system. Trial by error is
required to adjust this parameter, measuring the force required to
allow the system to work. Please follow the instructions shown in the
next chapter.
Adjustment is not linear in the whole range of the trimmer but is
concentrated in one area; adjustment may have no effect in the first
part of the trimmer while further on a considerable variation may be
obtained by turning it slightly. The reason for this lack of linearity is
due to the need to ensure the trimmer works with a wide range of
single-phase and three-phase motors.
4) Adjustments:
5) Obstacle detection system:
This control unit is fitted with an obstacle detection system based on
methods for controlling motor stress depending on the level of
absorbed power. This technique is commonly known as “overload
cut-out” and inverts or stops the manoeuvre depending on the
programmed operating mode.
In the control unit, the control system can work in two ways, “normal”
or “intelligent”; these are selected by dip-switch N° 8 (please see
chapter on “Programmable functions”).
In the “normal” mode, the function is activated when the power
absorbed by the motor reaches the threshold value set up with the
force trimmer. This level is fixed and has the disadvantage that any
increases in absorbed power due to variations in voltage,
temperature, etc., can give rise to apparently unjustified manoeuvres.
The “intelligent” mode was developed to overcome this limit. This
function adjusts the cut-in threshold set up with the trimmer by
means of an intelligent feature which is able to tell the difference
between slow variations caused by the above reasons and rapid
variations caused by an obstacle.
In both systems, the overload cut-out triggering due to
obstacle detection is inactive during the initial movement phase and
for a duration of 1.5 seconds.
Force and other adjustments must comply with recent European
standards, prEN 12453: safety when using powered doors –
requirements and classifications; and prEN 12445: safety when using
powered doors – test methods. These standards require
measurements to be used in order to limit the forces in the movement
of automatic doors.