The third method utilizes ozone to kill the bacteria (models ending in 5M12O or
5M24O). Ozone is a contact killing agent, similar to chlorine used in city water.
Ozone (O
) is generated by concentrating the oxygen (O
) in ambient air and
passing the concentrated oxygen through a high voltage electric current to produce
ozone. The ozone laden gas is then educted into the recirculation water stream
and into the reclaim tank to kill the bacteria. Drawing #4G shows the Process &
Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) for the Ozone Design.
Breathing concentrated ozone can create severe breathing problems.
Precautions must be made to prevent exposure to concentrated ozone.
PWFS – 5MAS (Flood Series)
Left: PW200-5MAS Center: PW300-5M240
Right: PW400-5MAS