Turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to the “Hand” position. This will put the
system in By-Pass mode so that the wash does not need to be closed.
Locate the orifice housing and loosen the two unions holding it in place.
Visually inspect the orifice to ensure it is not plugged. If plugged, clean as
Inspect the underflow piping and clear it of any obstructions or solids
which may have settled.
Replace the orifice and retighten the unions.
Return the Hand/Off/Auto switch to the “Auto” position and prime the
pump with the Automatic Prime function.
With the system operating check the orifice for leaks.
Task # 6:
Check Motorized Ball Valve Operation
With the Hand/Off/Auto switch set to “Auto” and the reclaim unit in
recirculation mode, the ball valve status indicator, located on the stem of
the blue valve assembly, should be “Red”. When a wash activation signal
occurs, the solenoid will energize causing the ball valve to rotate and a
give a “Green” indication at the status indicator.
Monthly Maintenance Tasks
In addition to performing the Daily & Weekly Maintenance Tasks, perform the
following task monthly:
Ball Valve
indicates wash
Ball valve status indicator with wash