Weekly Maintenance Tasks
In addition to performing the Daily Maintenance Tasks, perform the following tasks
Task # 6:
Clean Basket Strainer.
Turn the Hand/Off/Auto switch to the “Hand” position. This will put the
system in By-Pass mode so that the wash does not need to be closed.
Loosen the “Dog Ears” holding down the strainer basket housing lid.
Remove the “Dog Ear” at the front right position.
Rotate the strainer basket housing lid counter clockwise and slide the
lid off the strainer basket housing.
If the lid does not rotate or slide, remove all the “Dog Ears” and gently
pry the lid from the strainer basket housing.
Reach into the housing and lift the strainer basket out of the housing.
Remove and properly dispose of any large particulates that may have
accumulated in the strainer basket
Rinse the basket with fresh water.
Once the basket is clean replace the basket into the housing.
Replace the lid and one or all of the “Dog Ears”.
Re-prime the pump.
Place the Hand/Off/Auto switch to the “Auto” position and
depress the prime button. Fresh water should enter the basket
strainer housing.
Once the water begins to overflow from the housing tighten the
“Dog Ears” as described in the following step. Once the 7 psi
pressure for the pressure switch is met, the pump will begin
Tighten the “Dog Ears” in a cross pattern to ensure the strainer basket
housing lid is evenly seated on the housing.
Basket Strainer with on ‘dog ear’
removed and lid rotated for removal
Basket Strainer lid removed
Strainer basket being removed