Automatic attendant
Direct Inward Dialing
Voice mail
Other (please specify):
Infrastructure Survey:
New Cable wiring required (Circle one):
If yes, how many and where?
AC Outlet available for each NewRock device location (Circle one.): YES / NO
If no, where are the missing locations?
PSTN Line (Circle one.): YES / NO
If yes, how many?
UPS backup (Circle one.):YES / NO
If yes, what devices are covered?
Fax Machine (Circle one.): YES / NO
If yes, is there a telephone cable available from OM20/50 to the fax machine? YES / NO
Broadband Type:
Broadband connection type (Circle one.): T1 / ADSL / xDSL / FTTH / Other
If other please specify:
IP addressing type (Circle one.) DYNAMIC / STATIC
If static, IP address:
If static, network mask:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Bandwidth Uplink (kbps):