Malicious users are extremely dangerous because in most cases they are trying to steal your account
information or even remotely gain access to your device and control it.
Most routers have some sort of firewall, but that’s not enough to protect you from other malicious users,
thus it is recommended to use the following security procedures in order to protect your device while using
a public network.
7.1 Making Change to the Ports
Modify the default SIP port number (5060). You can set any number within the port range (1-9999)
OM configuration page:
go to
Trunk > IP trunk
7.2 Making Change to the web GUI Password
Modify the default web interface password for both administrator and operator. It is recommended
increasing the web password strength requirements such as the device MAC address which can be found
on its printed label at the back of the device or any complex password combination.
OM configuration page:
go to
System tool > Change password