Container Cleaning System TANKO®EX-R64T
3 Design and Function
Translation - Operating/installation instructions 2020/03
The Following Media are Permitted for Use for Container Cleaning:
Only clean, sprayable fluids may generally be used.
The process of spraying and blasting with fluids always requires individual consideration by the owner.
The only permitted cleaning media are solvents with low and medium conductivity (k ≤ 10.000 pS/m,
flash point T
flash point
> 20 °, and the maximum operating temperature must be 15 K below the flash
point, and water is allowed in the following conditions:
When cleaning with solvents with low and moderate conductivity, the cleaning medium must not
contain any components of a second phase, e.g. water or solid. Cleaning media may only be applied
in a closed circuit if the level of contamination is kept below 0.5%.
When cleaning with water jets, a maximum of 20 cleaning nozzles may be used in one container.
When calculating this, all spray heads mounted on the TANKO-R64T must be taken into account,
including the nozzles of other devices. The container volume must not exceed 10 m
. The water flow
rate must not exceed 7 l/s per container.
When spraying or misting aqueous solutions (e.g. water with alkaline cleaning additives and similar),
they must not generate electrostatic charges that are stronger than those that would be generated
when using water without additives (see TRGS 727 Annex A 1.3).