Reference Guide for the Model RH340 Internet Access ISDN Router
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No parity
No flow control
Use the serial cable provided in your NETGEAR package and, if necessary, the serial adapter to
connect the Manager port on the router to a serial port on your PC or workstation.
When a serial or Telnet connection has been established, press any key. The router should respond
with a “Password:” prompt. Enter the default password 1234 to access the Manager interface.
Password Information
The factory default Manager password is 1234.
To change the Manager password:
Select option 21 (Password) from the Main Menu to display Menu 21 - System Password.
Enter your previous system password, and press [Enter].
Enter your new system password, and press [Enter].
Enter your new system password again for confirmation, and press [Enter].
You must enter this new password when you want to access the Manager through the serial port or
by a Telnet connection or when you run FirstGear.
If you lose or forget the Manager password, you must clear the configuration of the router as
described in this chapter. Clearing the configuration causes the Manager password to revert to the
factory default, 1234.