Functional description
All information and technical data are subject to
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6 Functional description
This chapter describes the structure and details of the control functions and their parameters.
6.1 System overview/-structure
Device (MDesalDevice2Ext), Control Unit
Data Transfer (MSDCard), Logging of remnant data
Data Acquisition (MProtocolSdcCsv), Logging of data elements
Protocol show (MProtShowCsv), Displays logged data
Logging protocol (MProtRecordCsv), Logs data in a csv file
Bleed off (MDesal2), Control of the desalting process
Conductivity Sensor (MAbsConductivityCompTemp), Measures the
Temp.Sensor (MTemperature), Measures the temperature
Bleedoff Valve Control (MValveDes), Control of the bleedoff valve
Blowd. flow (MFlowMeter2), Flow calculation
Prop. dosing 1 (MDosProp), Proportional dosing
Tank prop. Dos. 1 (MTankAlarms), Tank with chemicals
Alarm empty (MAlarm), Sends alarm if the tank is empty
Alarm full (MAlarm), Sends alarm if the tank is full
Add Flow (MFlowMeter2), Measure the water volume
Dosing Pump 1 (MPumpPuls), Dosing of chemicals
Time Dosing 1 (MDosTime), Time controlled dosing
Starting Date 1 (MStartData), Time dosage
Starting Date 2 (MStartData), Time dosage
Starting Date 3 (MStartData), Time dosage
Starting Date 4 (MStartData), Time dosage
Tank Time Dos. 1 (MTankAlarms), Monitoring of the chemical level
Alarm empty (MAlarm), Sends alarm if the tank is empty
Alarm full (MAlarm), Sends alarm if the tank is full
Dosing Valve 1 (MValve), Feeding chemicals
System enable (MUnlock), Externally enable signal
Operating Signal (MOperation), Signalling of system status
Blowdown Analog Output (MUniAnaOutExt), Get conductivity in mA
Operating Time (MOpTime), Counts operating time
Circulation Pump (MDelPump), Mainpump to get water into system