3-26 Using the Software
Adding Hardware
When you add hardware to your NEC Versa LX with Windows NT, a
Windows NT Setup screen may appear to inform you that Setup needs to
copy some Windows NT files. Setup looks for the files in the location
specified in the dialog box. By default, this location is the c:\I386\
directory. If you want Setup to look in another location, for example, on
the Product Recovery CD (2 of 2) in the CD-ROM drive, type in F:\I386
(where F refers to the letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive), then click
on Continue and follow the on-screen instructions. (For details on using
the Product Recovery CD, see the “Using the Product Recovery CD,” in
Chapter 7.
NEC Utilities
NECC provides several programs and routines designed to make your
NEC Versa run more efficiently.
The NEC utilities include:
NEC Customize Utility
NEC Customize Utility
In Windows 98 systems, Windows 95 systems, and Windows NT
systems, the NEC Customize utility gives you the option to install or
NEC custom wallpaper (Windows 95, only)— Use this option to
install wallpaper displaying the NEC logo.
Application and Driver CD — You must use this option to install
software applications, drivers, etc.
NEC VersaBay Swapping Utility (Windows 98 and 95, only) — You
must use this option to take advantage of warm swapping your
VersaBay devices.
IR setup utility to enable the IR port (Windows 98 and 95 only) —
You must use this option to enable the IR port.