Basic Voice Mail Programming
Checking the Default Automated Attendant
Chapter 4: Voice Mail Programming
VANGARD Mail/i-Series Quick Setup Guide
Figure 22: How the Default Automated Attendant Handles Calls
Call rings into Voice Mail port 1 on Wednesday (a workweek day), 5:30 PM.
To work with
AST’s see pages
43 - 48.
Voice Mail looks at AST 1, which is assigned to each port, to see which
Call Routing (CR) Mailbox & Dial Action Table (DAT) should answer.
Sched 1.
Workweek Morn Mon-Fri, starting at 8AM
Sched 2.
Workweek Morn Mon-Fri, starting at 12PM
Sched 3.
Workweek Eve Mon-Thus, starting at 5PM
Sched 4.
Weekends Fri, starting at 5PM
CR 811
CR 812
CR 813
CR 814
To modify the
Welcome Mes-
sages, see
page 49.
Since the call falls into the Workweek Evening time period, the Voice Mail
plays the Welcome Message for Call Routing Mailbox 813. The default Wel-
come Message is: Thank you for calling.
To modify the
Menus, see
page 54.
The Voice Mail plays the default Instruction Menu for Call Routing Mailbox
813: If you are calling from a touch tone phone, please dial the extension
number you wish to reach or dial 0 for assistance. If you are calling from a
rotary dial phone, please stay on the line for assistance.
Caller presses a dialpad key.
The Voice Mail uses the default routing options in Dial Action Table 2:
To modify the
Dial Action Table,
see page 50.
Key 0:
Key 1-8
Key 9:
Key *:
Key #:
Unscreened Transfer to 1st extension in numbering plan.
(See Keys 1-8 for details on Unscreened Transfers).
Undefined Routing or Transfer to any extension the caller
dials. Transfers are screened in the Voice Mail. Incomplete
Screened Transfers are handled by the Voice Mail; Unscreened
Transfers are handled by the phone system. When a caller
presses an Undefined key, Voice Mail plays, That is an invalid
entry, then the Instruction Menu.
Transfer is assigned only to the keys that match the 1st digit of
the extensions (if extensions are 21-36, Transfer is assigned to
keys 2 & 3, Undefined Routing to keys 4-8).
Hangs up the call.
Quick Message (After dialing *, the caller can dial a mailbox
number to leave a message in that mailbox.)
Log On (After dialing #, the callers dial their mailbox number
to log on to their mailbox and use Voice Mail).
If caller waits more than 5 seconds to dial something after the
Instruction Menu plays, VANGARD Mail makes an
Unscreened Transfer to 1st extension in numbering plan