Saving the Expense Report Template
• Click the drop-down menu to access the Expense Report
Template. Select “Save Customized Expense Report” to use the
current template as a template for future reports. You will be
saving changes to the Table View, including changes to the width
of the fields, and any options you selected in the Report Options
To Email Your Expense Report
• To email your expense report as a PDF, go to File> Email Report.
Adding New Documents and Receipts to a Folder
You can manually add a new document, receipt or contact to your
folder. To do so:
• Select the folder to which you want to add the new document,
receipt or contact.
• With your mouse, hold down the New button in the top left corner
of the screen.
• You will see three options appear: Receipt, Document and
• Choose the appropriate option with your mouse.
• You can also select File > New > Item of Type > Receipt,
Document, Contact.