Advance Options
This button will display the following advanced options. Note a good understanding
of how operating systems handle multitasking is recommended, if in any doubt leave
to the default settings as shown below.
This window contains options to control the software threads that are polled to keep
the capture (display) and trigger watch continuously updating the screen and watching
the trigger to stop recording.
The Capture update control how often the image window is updated with the latest
image captured from the HotShot, the higher the setting the quicker its updated,
however the slower the software responds as the operating system allocates more time
to the capture thread instead of processing messages from the mouse and keyboard.
The same goes for the trigger watch except that this watches for a state change on the
trigger cable to stop recording.
The higher the trigger watch setting the more time the operating system allocates to
check for a state change on the trigger cable. So a higher setting will mean a more
accurate trigger, but with less time processing messages from the keyboard or mouse
the software will not be easily controlled, i.e. pressing the stop or trigger buttons.
The display buffer number option show the current buffer being used above the play
The ‘Disable VIEW while in ARM mode’ options turns of the capture thread while in
ARM mode regardless of the setting. This will ensure a more reliable trigger.
Note any setting above normal, especially on the trigger watch will seriously slow
down the operating system response to messages to the extent it will look like the
software has hung.