Memory Segmentation
On clicking this button will open up the following window:
This window controls the number of segments the PCI board is made into. A segment
is part of the total available video memory. The top half of the window is where the
user can select how many segments there are. This can be inputted either by selecting
how many from the drop down list, which are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or custom. Selecting
custom from the drop down list enables the custom box on the right; here the user can
input the number of seconds or frames required per segment. If a camera is connected
the user can click the Set button which will set the new memory segmentation settings
and update the boxes below.
These boxes contain the maximum record time in seconds and frames and the
available record time in seconds and frames per segment.
If ‘Auto-Increment Memory Segment After triggering’ is check then once the trigger
has been received whilst recording in the current segment the software will
automatically jump to the next segment and re-arm itself awaiting the next trigger.
This will keep happening until the user clicks the stop button or it’s the last segment
been used. If it’s the last segment on of two things will occur. The first is that the
software will stop and await further instructions from the user; the second is that if the
Auto-Download feature is turn on then it will begin download the cameras segment
one at a time one camera at a time. Please see the ‘Auto Download’ section for more