Once the required settings have been entered, click the ‘Ok’ button.
Then input a filename and location when the next window appears.
When another window appears select the compression if any.
Then watch the progress bar as the AVI is made.
Note Other file format can be saved out along with AVI; BMPs, TIFs and JPEGs
images stream can be saved out also. One important file format is the raw binary data
(BIN) format. This saves out the entire PCI board’s buffers to a file with ‘.bin.’
extension. Another file is also created with the extension ‘.hdc’. These two files need
to be kept together as one with out the other will mean that the data can not be loaded
back into the PCI board’s buffers at a later date.
Automatic Download
Click this button will display the above options. These options affect how the
software operates after it has recorded into to all of memory segments. When the last
memory segment has been triggered and recorded into, if the Automatic Download is
checked then the software automatically saves out segments into the required format
and range in the pre-defined location. If the selected file format was BIN (Raw binary
data direct from the PCI memory buffers) the entire memory is saves out in one file,
not by segments, when it comes to loading this BIN file back into the PCI board’s
memory all the segments used will be setup accordingly. Save as BIN reduces the
time spent downloading from the board as there is no conversion or compression to
perform. It takes approximately 90 seconds to download 1GB of data.
The Recursive Arming & Triggering check box is used after download has taken
place; if it’s ticked the software resets the segments and goes into arm mode in the
first segment waiting for a trigger.