The "Rings To Trip” feature does not cause The Power Stone to answer a call, nor does it require
a telephone device to go off-hook (answer the phone line) to perform its function. This means
that you do not incur an extra long distance phone charge when calling in to “trip” The Power
Stone from a remote lccation. Al1 you have to do is “ring” The Power Stone with the
appropriate number of rings and hang up the phone. Neat, huh?
“Curveball From The Phone Company” - The number of rings you hear in the handset of your
remote site telephone will probably not correspond exactly to the number of rings The Power
Stone receives. The discrepancy usually lies at the phone company. If you have programmed the
“Rings To Trip”
feature at “2 or less”, please “ring” The Power Stone two full rings before,
hanging up. By doing that you can be sure The Power Stone will manage to hear at least one of
those rings and trip your selected automatic operating mode. We do advise that you experiment
with “ring” settings and how your local phone company sends its rings to your phone.
4.2 “Distinctive Ring” Cadence Detection Feature
Not only does The Power Stone give you a choice of two settings for the number of rings to
“trip” your selected automatic operating mode, but you can also select the type of “ring
cadence" The Power Stone will react to. Register 03 contains the three selectable “ring
cadence" detect settings.
About The “Distinctive Ring” Service
Your local phone company offers a service
called “Distinctive Ringing” which allows
you to have multiple phone numbers on a
single phone line. Each phone number,
when dialed, will ring your phone with a
specific “Distinctive” ring cadence Your
original phone number rings with a single
“long” ring cadence your second phone
number would ring with a two short ring
burst and a third number rings a 3 time
burst (a combination of one long and two
short bursts).
How The Power Stone Works With “DR” Service
The Power Stone can be programmed to detect any one of the three standard “Distinctive
Ring” cadences transmitted by your local phone company. The ring cadences you have selected
will be the only cadence The Power Stone will recognize. Al1 other ring cadences will be
ignored. In addition, regardless of the ring cadences setting, the appropriate number of
inbound rings will have to be detected before The Power Stone will perform automatically.
4.3 Automatic Operating Modes
The Power Stone can be programmed to automaticallv control electrical power to your
chosen equipment three different ways. Of course, your choice of operating mode is
dependent on your application, but for now we’ll keep it clean and talk about the different
ways power can be manipulated automatically. Automatic operating modes, along with
passive operating modes are selectable and reside in Register 01.