B) Before you can access The Power Stone’s Manual
Operating mode with your security code, something must
first answer the phone line at the site. This can be
accomplished with an answering machine connected to the
phone line. If you don’t own an answering machine, you can
call The Power Stone, let it ring
times and it will
automatically answer, giving you an audible power status
“beep” (see
“Audio/Answer Number of Rings”
feature, page
11). At that time you have 10 seconds to transmit your
touchtone security code. If you don’t want to wait 15 rings,
program register 04, “Audio/Answer No. of Rings” to 3
rings. Now The Power Stone will automatically answer in 3
rings, give a status beep and you have 10 seconds to enter
your touchtone security code on the telephone key pad.
To Enter Manual Operating Mode And Turn Power ON To Your
1) The Power Stone or answering machine answers your inbound call.
2) You enter # # 8 8 on the touchtone phone - The Power Stone “bips” 3 times (Proceed).
3) At that time, you enter “011” ( 01 for “Operating Modes” Register 1 and 1 for “Passive
On” mode.) The Power Stone “bee-bips” once (Info Accepted), then “bips” 3 times (Proceed).
We recommend that, while in Manual Operating mode, you “readback” any change to an
operating mode AND the status of power supplied to your connected equipment before
recording your programming and exiting manual operating mode. This is done by pressing
*01 for “Operating Modes” Register 1 and * 07 for “Power Status” Register 7.
5) You press “80” on your touchtone key pad (Execute Programming). The Power Stone “bee-
bips” twice. You hang up. Your equipment is now powered up.
Enter Manual
And Turn Power OFF To Your
The Power Stone or answering machine answers your inbound call.
2) You enter # # 8 8 on the touchtone phone - The Power Stone “bips” 3 times (Proceed).
3) At that time, you enter “010” ( 01 for "Operating Modes” Register 1 and 0 for “Passive
Off' mode.) The Power Stone “bee-bips” once (Info Accepted), then “bips” 3 times (Proceed).
4) We recommend that, while in Manual Operating mode, you “readback” any change to an
operating mode AND the status of power supplied to your connected equipment before
recording your programming and exiting manual operating mode. This is done by pressing
*01 for “Operating Modes” Register 1 and *07 for “Power Status” Register 7.
5) You press “80” on your touchtone key pad. The Power Stone “bee-bips” twice. You hang
up. Your equipment is now powered off.
Included with The Power Stone is a
“Remote Programming/Readback Card”
which is a handy reference when you want to control The Power Stone from a remote
location. It eliminates the need to memorize register and feature numbers, gives you the
command for “Audible Readback” of each register/feature and explains the meaning and
numerical value of The Power Stone’s “readback” “beeps”. See
page 22
for more info. Please
put it in your purse or wallet and......don’t leave home without it!