363 – AL Stop Injector Output Stage
ZKP-Number: 1.8004.560
Internal electronics fault.
Red alarm - engine shutdown
Corrective action
Electronics possibly faulty.
1. Start ITS.
2. Replace engine governor.
3. Check additional fault messages if ITS indicates "Electronics
OK" (e.g. wiring faulty).
4. Check solenoid valve wiring.
5. Contact Service.
365 – AL Stop SV Ground Wiring
ZKP-Number: 1.8004.561
Injector wiring faulty
Red alarm - engine shutdown via protection module possible
Corrective action
Short circuit of injector positive
connection to ground of one or
more injectors.
Short circuit of negative injector
connection or of one or more
injectors to ground.
1. Check wiring (→ Page 181).
2. Engine restart (→ Page 35).
3. Replace wiring harness if necessary (→ Contact Service).
381 – AL Wiring TOP 1
ZKP-Number: 2.8006.638
Line disruption on digital input 1
Yellow alarm - warning
Corrective action
Short circuit or broken wire on
transistor output 1, plant side
(TOP 1).
Check wiring to plant.
382 – AL Wiring TOP 2
ZKP-Number: 2.8006.639
Line disruption on digital input 2
Yellow alarm - warning
Corrective action
Short circuit or broken wire on
transistor output 2, plant side
(TOP 2).
Check wiring to plant.
78 | Troubleshooting | MS150096/01E 2012-08
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