Operation Manual
I 27 I
• Offset:
In the subsection „Position offset parameters“ you can set
the offset, a shift of the measurement range start, separately for
each magnet – independent of further magnets on the sensor rod/
sensor profile (Fig. 42). You can set the values with a step size of 1
μm in the range between -214...+214 m.
Fig. 42: Setting of the offset
Fig. 41: Setting of the parameters
• Preset:
You can set a preset separately for each magnet –
independently of other magnets on the sensor rod/sensor profile. To
set the preset, move the magnet to the desired position. Then, edit
the address API 0 Slot 0 Subslot 1 Index 0x2800. The 64 bit word
for entering the preset is structured as follows (Fig. 43):
• The first 24 bits represent the version identifier. Enter the word
0x00200414 at this point. This is to avoid an unintentional
change of the preset.
• The following 8 bits indicate the magnet for which the preset is
to be changed. Enter the magnet number at this point.
• The last 32 bits specify the value that is to be reported at this
position in the future. Enter the desired value for this position.
24 bit
8 bit
32 bit
(future value at this position)
Fig. 43: Structure of 64 bit word for entering a preset at R-Series
with MTS profile
• Reading the values of the input module "Sensor status":
To read
the information from the input module "Sensor status", drag this
module into the "Device Overview" window. The module "Sensor
status" consists of 64 bits (Fig. 44):
• The first 16 bit indicate the current power supply.
• The following 8 bit indicate the number of magnets detected on
the sensor rod/sensor profile.
• The last 40 bits form the bit mask for displaying the detected
magnets. For each magnet one bit with the following values is
• Bit value 0: No magnet is detected for this magnet number
• Bit value 1: A magnet is detected for this magnet number
16 bit
8 bit
40 bit
40 39 38
Magnet no.
3 2 1
Number of
Bit mask
1 bit per magnet
Fig. 44: Structure of the input module “Sensor status” at R-Series
with MTS profile
• Setting the switching points for input module „Sensor status 2“:
To read the information from the input module "Sensor status 2",
drag this module into the "Device Overview" window. In the "Module
parameters" section of the sensor, you can set the parameters for
switching points under "Work area parameters" (Fig. 45):
• Work area checking (setting for checking):
• On (Active the checking of the swichting points)
• Off (Deactivate the checking of the switching pointd)
(default value)
• Magnet to check for work area low limit (Select the magnet
for checking the low limit)
• Magnet to check for work area high limit (Select magnet
for checking the high limit)
• Work area low limit (Position of the low limit in μm)
• Work area high limit (Position of the high limit in μm)
• Work area check hysteresis (Setting the hysteresis for
the switching points in μm)
Fig. 45: Setting the switching points for the work area