Change the pump lubrication oil, and refill with the proper grade of gear oil for upcoming ambient
NOTE: To minimize the costs of oil changes it is recommended that oil samples be tested and then a
replacement time be established based on the oil contamination rate for the type of service the pump is
in. If this approach is not implemented then the oil should be changed every 250 hours.
Thoroughly clean the pump lubrication suction strainer.
Remove and inspect the fluid end plungers and packing assembly components.
Replace all packing pressure rings and header rings.
Clean the plunger pump’s oil breather and the lubrication oil reservoir breather.
Yearly, or as Recommended, Preventative Maintenance
Replace worn fluid end plungers and packing brass.
Replace worn or corroded valve covers, suction valve stops, packing nuts, discharge flanges, pump
tools, etc.
Replace all discharge flange seals and suction manifold seals.
Replace any defective gauges and instruments.
Inspection of Bearings and Gears
Inspection of the gears, bearings, and journal bearings should be made every 500 hours. Check the oil filter for
telltale signs, such as flaking metal. Also, check for end play on the pinion shaft, see
Section 10.2
Revision K 03/12/2019
MSI - A Division of Dixie Iron Works, Ltd. All rights reserved.
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