Plunger Auto-Lube and Relief System
Available for the MSI Hybrid™ Well Service Pump are two systems which greatly enhance the performance of
the pump by maintaining a clean operating envelope and providing lubrication only when it is needed.
MSI Auto-Lube System
™ (ALS) is a pneumatic-mechanical high pressure, non-electric, positive
displacement packing lubrication system for use with oil or grease. Lubrication rates are mechanically
controlled by the well service pump via a power take-off (PTO) from the crankshaft. This approach to
determining lubrication cycles eliminates over or under lubricating and ensures lubricant is supplied whenever
the pump is in motion. The Auto-Lube™ System can be used in conjunction with the MSI Lube Relief
System™ to provide outstanding lubrication performance.
MSI Lube Relief System
™ (LRS) is a bolt-on system designed for use on any MSI Hybrid™ Well Service
Pump. It is compatible with oil or grease but is most effective when used with a positive displacement
automatic greasing system. The LRS can act as a standalone installment or be combined with the MSI Auto-
Lube™ System for exceptional lubrication performance. This system has been designed to significantly
improve packing life and eliminate the mess usually associated with lubrication systems that “flood” the
packing gland with grease.
Please follow the above hyperlinks for additional information or contact MSI.
Revision K 03/12/2019
MSI - A Division of Dixie Iron Works, Ltd. All rights reserved.
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