Heat Generation, Dissipation and Cooling
At full horsepower, the MSI Hybrid™ Well Service Pump generates the following heat at the following rates:
TIH-600: 45,000 BTU/hr
QIH-1000: 78,000 BTU/hr
QIH-1300: 101,400 BTU/hr
In most applications, the lubrication system will require a heat exchanger to maintain recommended oil
temperature and pressure. In some cold-start applications an oil heater may be needed. For calculating heat
dissipation of the pump by the surrounding air, use the following surface areas:
TIH-600: 46 ft
QIH-1000/1300: 60 ft
Refer to the oil manufacturer for the recommended operating temperature range. In all cases, do not allow the
oil temperature to exceed the manufacturer’s temperature rating, or 250°F; whichever is lower.
Lubrication Relief Valve
A relief valve should be part of any MSI Hybrid™ Well Service Pump lubrication system. MSI recommends a
relief valve that is rated for 20-25 GPM and 60-200 PSI to relieve excess pressure which could damage filters,
lines, gauges, or other connected equipment. Using a pump rated for 20 GPM and 300 PSI, the pressure relief
valve can be set for 180 PSI if the oil pump is only supplying oil to the well service pump. Oil with a viscosity
rating of 220 cSt at 100°F will provide adequate flow in ambient temperature ranges of 20°F-110°F. When the
lubricating oil is cold it will shear over the relief valve to shed excess pressure, once the viscosity decreases this
shearing will be reduced or eliminated. The relief valve may need to be adjusted as the oil temperature changes
in order to maintain an internal well service pump pressure of 40 PSI. The return line should be sized to
accommodate the full capacity of the pump and should drain directly into the reservoir.
Lubrication Filtration
Clean oil has a direct correlation to the life of the moving parts in the pump; the cleaner the oil is, the longer the
pump will last. Limiting moisture in the oil will also greatly extend the life of the moving parts in the pump.
The MSI Hybrid™ Well Service Pump is designed to prevent migration of well service fluids into the
lubrication system. However, even with the MSI Hybrid™ Well Service Pump there is still a need for an
effective filtering system since contamination can come from other locations. Using a properly sized oil filter
on your system and changing the filters regularly will significantly reduce down time and maintenance costs.
It is highly recommended that you use filters with a built in bypass valve rated for 15 to 25 PSI so that oil will
still reach the moving parts inside the pump in case of a filter clog.
Water from humid air can enter the pump through the oil cap/breather and will greatly increase the rate of wear
of the moving parts. It is highly recommended that a water drain be placed at the lowest point in the reservoir
and that it be drained after each use of the pump.
MSI strongly recommends that a serviceable magnet be placed near the suction inlet of the lubricant reservoir.
Metallic particulate can come from several sources and limiting the amount of particulate which may exposed to
bearings will significantly increase the life span of all equipment serviced by the lubrication system.
Revision K 03/12/2019
MSI - A Division of Dixie Iron Works, Ltd. All rights reserved.
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