I N S T A L L I N G T H E P C I - 4 2 4 H A R D W A R E
This page shows an ideal setup for using the
PCI-424 and a 2408mk3 interface with one or more
ADATs, Alesis hard disk recorders or any ADAT
SYNC-compatible devices. Connect the PCI-424
card to the end of the ADAT chain and make the
software settings as shown below in Figure 4-20.
This setup is also ideal if you have both Alesis and
Tascam decks. If so, connect your Tascam
equipment to the Digital Timepiece as directed in
the Digital Timepiece manual.
For ADAT optical digital mixers, see “Syncing
ADAT ‘lightpipe’ devices” on page 48.
Windows computer running Cubase or
other sample-accurate ASIO software
Digital Timepiece, MIDI Timepiece AV, Alesis BRC or
any other MMC-compatible ADAT synchronizer
USB cable (or other bi-
directional MIDI connec-
tion) bearing MMC trans-
port commands from
Cubase (or other ASIO
software) to the Digital
Timepiece (or other
Figure 4-20: Connections for sample-accurate ADAT sync.
or ADAT SYNC-compatible recorders
Sync In
sync cables
Sync Out
Sync In
Sync Out
Sync In
Sync Out
Sync Out
PCI-424 card
ADAT Sync In
In Cubase VST, go to the Synchronization window and
as the Timecode Base. In Cubase SX,
go to the Synchronization Setup window and choose the
ASIO Positioning Protocol
MIDI Machine Control
1. In the MOTU PCI Audio Console, choose
from the
menu as shown to above.
2. Make sure the
Sample Rate
setting matches the other recorders.
Sync Out
Tascam sync
If you have a DTP or
MTP AV, set their sync
mode to
Put Cubase into external sync mode.
See “Sample-accurate sync with Cubase or
Nuendo” on page 80 for more information.
Use this setup if you have:
ADATs, Alesis hard disk recorders or any ADAT SYNC
compatible device(s).
A MOTU Digital Timepiece, MIDI Timepiece AV or other
ADAT synchronizer.
Host software that supports sample-accurate sync.
This setup provides:
Sample-accurate locating between all ADAT SYNC-compati-
ble devices, the 2408mk3 and your software (Cubase or other
sample-accurate software).
With a Digital Timepiece, this setup provides sample-accurate
locating across all devices: ADAT, Tascam and the 2408mk3.
Transport control of everything from the computer, OR
continuous sync to SMPTE time code and other sync sources
(the other source is the transport master in this case).
Summary of Contents for PCI-424
Page 35: ...6 ...
Page 43: ...14 ...
Page 45: ...16 ...
Page 53: ...P A C K I N G L I S T A N D P C S Y S T E M R E Q U I R E M E N T S 24 ...
Page 83: ...I N S T A L L I N G T H E P C I 4 2 4 H A R D W A R E 54 ...
Page 103: ...M O T U P C I A U D I O C O N S O L E 74 ...
Page 111: ...C U B A S E N U E N D O A N D O T H E R A S I O S O F T W A R E 82 ...
Page 115: ...S O N A R A N D O T H E R W D M S O F T W A R E 86 ...
Page 119: ...E X P A N D I N G Y O U R P C I 4 2 4 S Y S T E M 90 ...
Page 125: ...R E D U C I N G M O N I T O R I N G L A T E N C Y 96 ...
Page 131: ...C U E M I X C O N S O L E 102 ...
Page 148: ...6 ...
Page 156: ...14 ...
Page 158: ...16 ...
Page 166: ...P A C K I N G L I S T A N D M A C I N T O S H S Y S T E M R E Q U I R E M E N T S 24 ...
Page 194: ...I N S T A L L I N G T H E P C I 4 2 4 H A R D W A R E 52 ...
Page 230: ...A U D I O D E S K 88 ...
Page 246: ...E X P A N D I N G Y O U R P C I 4 2 4 S Y S T E M 104 ...
Page 258: ...C U E M I X C O N S O L E 116 ...