MC40 Integrator Guide
• String DATA_STRING_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.data_string”;
– String contains the output data as a String. In the case of concatenated bar codes, the decode data is
concatenated and sent out as a single string.
• String DECODE_DATA_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.decode_data”;
– Decode data is returned as a list of byte arrays. In most cases there will be one byte array per decode. For
bar code symbologies that support concatenation e.g. Codabar, Code128, MicroPDF, etc., the decoded data
is stored in multiple byte arrays (one byte array per bar code). Clients can get data in each byte array by
passing an index.
The MSR related data added to the Intent's bundle can be retrieved using the Intent.getStringtExtra() and
Intent.getSerializableExtra() calls, using the following String tags:
• String MSR_DATA_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_data”;
– String contains the output data as a String. The data from the MSR tracks is concatenated and sent out
as a single string.
• String MSR_TRACK1_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_track1”;
– MSR track 1 data is returned as a byte array.
• String MSR_TRACK2_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_track2”;
– MSR track 2 data is returned as a byte array.
• String MSR_TRACK3_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_track3”;
– MSR track 3 data is returned as a byte array.
• String MSR_TRACK1_STATUS_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_track1_status”;
– MSR track 1 decode status as an Integer where 0 indicates a successful decode.
• String MSR_TRACK2_STATUS_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_track2_status”;
– MSR track 2 decode status as an Integer where 0 indicates a successful decode.
• String MSR_TRACK3_STATUS_TAG = “com.motorolasolutions.emdk.datawedge.msr_track3_status”;
– MSR track 3 decode status as an Integer where 0 indicates a successful decode.
Most scanning applications might want the user to be able to decode data and for that decode data to be sent to
activity but not necessarily displayed. If this is the case, then the activity needs to be marked as
‘singleTop’ in its AndroidManifest.xml file. If your activity is not defined as singleTop, then on every decode, the
system will create another copy of your Activity and send the decode data to this second copy.
Finally there will be a configuration option for each process plug-in so that the process plug-in can be configured
specifically for the intent output, which in this case is the basic data formatting process plug-in.
4.6.5 IP Output
IP Output allows DataWedge to send captured data to a host computer via a network connection. Captured data can
be sent over an IP network to a specified IP address and port using either TCP or UDP transport protocols.
- Enables or disables this plug-in. A check in the checkbox indicates that the plug-in is enabled (default
- disabled).
Remote Wedge
- Enable or disable the Remote Wedge option (default - enabled). Remote Wedge is used with
the IPWedge application.
MN000112A01 - September 2013