MC40 Integrator Guide
Supplementals Auto
Supplementals Smart
Supplementals 378-379
Supplementals 978-979
Supplementals 977
Supplementals 414-419-434-439
(2 to 20, default 10).
- Enable or disable this option. A check in the checkbox indicates that the option is enabled.
- Enables Coupon code decoding. Note that in order to successfully decode Coupon codes, all of the
correct decoders must be enabled. A check in the checkbox indicates that the option is enabled.
Convert DataBar To UPC EAN
- If this is set it converts DataBar bar codes to UPC/EAN format. For this setting
to work UPC/EAN symbologies must be enabled. A check in the checkbox indicates that the option is enabled.
Reader Params
Allows the configuration of parameters specific to the selected bar code reader.
Beam Timer
- Sets the maximum amount of time that the reader remains on (0 - 60,000 ms in increments of 100
ms). A value of 0 sets the reader to stay on indefinitely (default -15000).
Linear Security Level
- Sets the number of times a bar code is read to confirm an accurate decode.
Security Short or Codabar
- Two times read redundancy if short bar code or Codabar.
Security All Twice
- Two times read redundancy for all bar codes (default).
Security Long and Short
- Two times read redundancy for long bar codes, three times for short bar codes.
Security All Thrice
- Three times read redundancy for all bar codes.
- Allows the imager to decode only the bar code that is directly under the cross-hair/reticle (+) part of the
pattern. This feature is useful in applications where multiple bar codes may appear in the field of view during a
decode session and only one of them is targeted for decode.
– Disables Picklist mode. Any bar code within the field of view can be decoded (default).
- Enables the Picklist mode so that only the bar code in the center of the image is decoded. This
is most useful when used in conjunction with the static and dynamic reticle viewfinder modes. Note: This
mode is only valid for decoder modules that supports a viewfinder. If one tries to set this for a unsupported
decoder then the device would issue an error. (Camera scanner only).
- Enables the Picklist mode so that only the bar code that is directly under the cross-hair (reticle) is
decoded. This is useful when used in conjunction with the static and dynamic reticle viewfinder modes.
(Scan Module Only)
LCD Mode
- Enables or disables LCD mode. LCD mode enhances the ability of the imager to read bar codes
from LCD displays such as cellphones (imager only).
- Disables the LCD mode (default).
- Enables LCD mode.
When using the LCD mode, a degradation in performance may be observed and the aiming crosshair
may blink until the bar code is decoded.
Illumination mode
- Turns camera illumination on and off. This option is only available when camera is selected
in the Barcode input Scanner selection option.
- Illumination is on.
- Illumination is off (default).
Inverse 1D Mode
- This parameter allows the user to select decoding on inverse 1D bar codes.
- Disables decoding of inverse 1D bar codes (default).
MN000112A01 - September 2013