If power to sensors is inadequate or disconnected.
If smoke does not reach a Smoke Detector. For example, Smoke Detectors cannot detect smoke in
chimneys, walls, roofs, or smoke blocked by a closed door. Detectors may not detect smoke in other levels
of the building. They may not warn in time when fires are caused by smoking in bed, explosions, improper
storage of flammables, overloaded electrical circuits or other hazardous conditions.
If a telephone line is out of service, the panel cannot communicate with the monitoring centre.
Inadequate maintenance is the most common cause of alarm failure. Therefore, test your system regularly to
ensure sensors, detectors and phone communications are all working correctly. Although having an alarm system
may make you eligible for reduced insurance premiums, the system is no substitute for adequate insurance.
Warning : Security system devices cannot compensate you for the loss of life or property.
Your system allows you to use up to 24 sensors in total. For more accurate notification from the monitoring centre
you can rename your sensors and their location. Just follow the on-line instructions by visiting “my
section at www.myhomemonitor.co.uk
Important Codes
Code allocated to
Master Access Code
Access Code 1
Access Code 2
Access Code 3
Access Code 4
Access Code 5
Silent Access Code 6
Sensor Number
Sensor Location
Sensor 1 – motion sensor
Sensor 2 – motion sensor
Sensor 3 – smoke detector
Sensor 4 – remote control keychain
Sensor 5
Sensor 6
Sensor 7
Sensor 8
Sensor 9
Sensor 10
Sensor 11
Sensor 12
Sensor 13
Sensor 14
Sensor 15
Sensor 16
Sensor 17
Sensor 18
Sensor 19
Sensor 20
Sensor 21
Sensor 22
Sensor 23
Sensor 24
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